Name: Jacob Biehl
Title: Associate Professor
Department: Department of Information Culture and Data Stewardship; Computer Science
What are your research interests?
Human computer interaction, internet of things, location technologies and multi-device interaction.
Why did you chose to come to SCI?
SCI, and the University of Pittsburgh overall, presents a remarkable environment to form meaningful, cross-disciplinary collaborations. The goal – embark on a path of collaborative research that seeks to solve important and challenging problems facing society today.
How does your teaching/research align with SCI’s mission?
While a powerful tool, computation alone can’t solve the complex problems facing the World today. In my research, I have partnered with experts that have a deep understanding of domain’s challenges. Together, we’ve shown how computation can bring to light new understanding that, in turn, can inspire and inform new approaches. This is a frontier that requires innovation across the disciplines involved, not just applying the teachings from one to the other. This is what inspires my scholarship, and I believe is also embedded in the mission of this School.