School Forms

The forms listed below are submitted by students as a means of appealing SCI policies, adjusting enrollment, and declaring changes to their student record. Before launching any form, students should review the guidance outlined on the following SCI Webpages:

Student Appeals | Enrollment Resources | Experiential Learning | Undergraduate Advising Center

Web forms, including DocuSign PowerForms, will be automatically directed to the appropriate recipient(s) and signer(s). If a form is only available in PDF format, please send the completed form to the SCI Academic Records team (

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Academic Integrity Violation Documentation

Academic Program Change (Transfer Out/Double Degree)

Appeal for Late Withdrawal (FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS ONLY)

Application for Admission to Candidacy 

Best Fit 

Change of Graduate Advisor

Committee Approval (contact your department representative)

Course Repeat 

Defense Announcement

Enrollment Worksheet

ETD & Graduation Paperwork (prepare before ETD Approval)

ETD (Electronic Thesis & Dissertation) Approval

Experiential Learning Applications & Agreement Forms

General Education Requirement Exemption (contact your advisor)

Grade Option/Audit Request for a GRADUATE Course

Grade Option/Audit Request for an UNDERGRADUATE Course

Graduate Academic Plan (Degree/Specialization) Change

Graduation Enrollment Waiver 

Leave of Absence 

MDS Monitored Withdrawal

Monitored Withdrawal (CMPINF, CS, INFSCI, ISSP, LIS, TELCOM subject codes ONLY) 

Monitored Withdrawal (Other Pitt subject codes)

PCHE Cross-Registration Request

Permission Number (PN) Request

Policy and Requirements Change for Undergraduate Students (contact your advisor)

Policy Waiver Request for Graduate Students

Policy Waiver Request for Undergraduate Students (contact your advisor)

Proposal/Dissertation Abstract Template 

Report on Examinations for Doctoral or Master’s Degree (contact your department representative)

Secondary Field of Study (SFoS) Declaration 

Transfer Credit Request (Graduate Students)

Transfer Credit Request (Undergraduate Students)

Transfer Credit Reevaluation (Undergraduate Students)

Undergraduate Major Declaration

Undergraduate Minor Declaration/Change