An article by SCI Teaching Assistant Professor Marcia Rapchak has been recognized by the American Library Association’s Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT) as one of the top 20 articles of 2019. The article, titled “When Online Instruction Doesn’t Measure Up: How Can You Tell, and What Should You Do?”, was published in the Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning. It details Duquesne University’s process in transitioning a face-to-face introduction to information literacy course to a fully online version. Rapchak offers practical advice on online education, such as the creation of group contracts to facilitate group work and the need to adequately prepare instructors before they begin to teach online courses.
The LIRT is a library organization that works to help librarians become better teachers through sharing best practices, leadership and professional development, and networking. Rapchak is a Teaching Assistant Professor in SCI’s Department of Information Culture and Data Stewardship. Her research interests include information literacy, academic libraries, computer-supported collaborative learning, and critical librarianship.