Feb. 5, 2024
Two students from the School of Computing and Information (SCI) Department of Computer Science have been recognized for their undergraduate research by the Computing Research Association (CRA)!
Anna Baskin (SCI '23) was selected as a finalist for the 2023-2024 Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award (URA). Baskin, who earned a Bachelor of Philosophy in International and Area Studies along with her degree in computer science, works with Professor Panos K. Chrysanthis in the University of Pittsburgh ADMT Lab where she has researched proximity detection using machine learning for COVID-19 contact tracing and the viability of "postdiction" as a data decay method to compress and recover database columns.
Additionally, Stephen Arndt (SCI ’24) received an Honorable Mention. Arndt’s research with Professor Kirk R. Pruhs focuses on algorithms research and studying online metric matching, posted-price algorithms, and online k-median clustering.
Please join us in congratulating these two brilliant SCI students!
View the full list of awardees and finalists here.