SCI Ph.D. student Pedro Bustamante and professor Martin Weiss contributed to a research article titled “Federal Communications Commission’s experimental radio service as a vehicle for dynamic spectrum access: An analysis of 10 years of experimental licenses data.” The article was recently published in Data & Policy, a peer-reviewed academic journal published by Cambridge University Press, and was co-authored with Douglas Sicker and Marcela M. Gomez, of Carnegie Mellon University’s Department of Engineering and Public Policy. The article examines dynamic spectrum access (DSA) systems, also known as spectrum sharing, in the context of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)’s experimental radio service.
Bustamante is a Ph.D. student in SCI’s Telecommunications program, and this paper grew out of the thesis he worked on while obtaining a MS in Telecommunications at SCI. Weiss is a professor whose research interests include policy and industry implications of new technologies, secondary use of spectrum, spectrum trading, cost modeling of telecommunications technologies, and technical standards and their impact on industry.