Current SCI Computer Science student Evan Kozierok was recently chosen for the University Honors College’s Brackenridge Fellowship. This fellowship offers $4,000 to students to conduct an independent research or creative project over the course of the summer. Fellows complete the project under the guidance of a faculty or graduate student mentor and deliver a presentation about their work once the fellowship has concluded.
Kozierok is a rising sophomore at SCI and is completing a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. His research project involves comparing various types of computational and mathematical modeling frameworks, including Agent-Based Models (ABMs), Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE), and Probabilistic Relational Agent-Based Models (PRAMs). Under the guidance of SCI Dean Paul Cohen and SCI Post-Doctoral Research Associate Tomek Loboda, Kozierok hopes to convert models between these three frameworks using an automatic conversion tool written in the programming language Python.
Please join us in congratulating Kozierok on this exciting opportunity!
Read more about the Brackenridge Fellowship.
Read the Brackenridge Fellowship blogs.