Pitt2Pitt Profiles

Hear from Pitt2Pitt students about the admission process and their experiences as an SCI student.

Meet Camilo Correal

Upon coming to Pitt as an undergrad, Camilo Correal wanted a career change. He had been working at a bank for the past 10 years and realized he wanted to work with kids instead. Majoring in English writing with a certificate in children’s literature in the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences, he wasn’t sure whether he wanted to become a teacher or librarian. Correal completed a work study in the Barco Law library, where he grew interested in librarianship, and decided to become a children’s librarian in the public library system.

“Pitt was always my first choice, but Pitt2Pitt really helped with that — the process of being able to talk to the teachers, the grad program advisers were always very open,” Correal says. “All of the resources at Pitt made it very easy to choose to stay at Pitt.”

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Meet Olivia Larson

Olivia Larson has seen several corners of Pitt’s operating world — from an undecided first-year at the Pittsburgh campus, to an education major at Pitt Greensburg, and now a graduate student in the School of Computing and Information. She knows the University pretty well.

“I always go with Pitt things because it’s what I know, and I know it’s going to be high quality,” Larson says. “I’m going to have professors that know what they’re talking about and actually care about what I’m experiencing.”

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